Step 1: Arcgis registration

Create an Arcgis develop account

and register a new application

Copy the ClientID and Client Secret from the newly created application page image

Step 2: Create xMart Connection

Go to your mart Admin > Connections

Beside Webservice Bearer Token Connections, click the + button Set Name arcgis

Fill in Client ID and Client Secret from above.

Click Current Azure AD button to set a custom Oauth client As Token Endpoint URL, set

Click the Save icon.


Step 3: Edit xMart pipeline

Create or edit your pipeline In the Extract section, insert this command

<GetWebService Url=";singleLine=4730 Crystal Springs Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027&amp;outFields=Match_addr,Addr_typ" ConnectionName="arcgis"  TableName="data">

You can replace the Url and the Path element by the actual API endpoint to be called. This Url demoed here is the first example from Useful resources.

In the Url attribute, the & characters should be xml-escaped by using &amp; instead, else a parse error like '=' is an unexpected token. The expected token is ';' will be thrown.

Finish your pipeline by loading stage table data in your target table using the regular <Load SourceTable="data" TargetTable="...">.

You’re done!

Useful resources

Arcgis tutorials

Search for an address

GetWebService command