Roles associate a list of users with a set of permissions.

To create a role, go to the mart and click on Admin, Roles New


Select a template role (can be customized later)


The role templates are described below

Role Description
Mart Admin Mart-wide rights to assign users to preset roles or create new roles. This is required for a user to become “Mart Admin”.
Mart Data Manager Full rights on all aspects of mart data including table creation, editing, uploading, upload configuration, etc. Like Mart Admin but without rights to change security
Mart Data Loader Ability to upload any data in the mart
Mart Data Consumer Ability to consume all data in the mart
Basic Mart Access An empty role to allow users to enter this mart without any specific right, useful for creating custom roles that don’t fit any other template role or giving Xmart access to an external user.

Type in the role title and description (or leave it as the default) and press Create Role


After the role is created you can customize permissions and add users to the role